Now let’s offer ourselves another perspective on Nature; the one that is associated to the Japanese culture. People who live in communities should take example on the Japanese behavior. They are still dealing today with the terrible tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011, causing disastrous consequences on its inhabitants as well as on the environment.
In Japan it is of tradition to prioritize the needs of the society over individual needs.
One can only be inspired by this natural solidarity that motivated the Japanese people during this disaster.
This behavior is directly inherited from the Japanese culture where spirituality induces people to think in another way.
According to Japanese, a person is good at birth and there is no original sin, completely in contrast to western thinking.
According to them egocentricity is at the origin of conflicts in society.
Japanese spirituality is based on Shintoism, a religion founded on the laws of Nature.
This is why Japanese people accept the natural disasters that the archipelago endures so frequently just like a philosophy of life in which each and every one finds serenity and interior peace.
The Shintoïsm
Shintoism defines the link between Nature and spirituality.
Nature is unspoiled because it is holy, but the conscience of man can become corrupted and spoiled by the ignorance of its own character.
In the spirit of this Shintoïsm, I plan on undertaking a self-purification asceticism: the ascension of the Mont Fuji, holy mountain in Japan.
This will consist of absolutions under waterfalls, fasting, a pilgrimage, an introspective, so that my spirit alters my current perception of Nature. I need to free my intellect in order to attain an unspoiled state of spirit and in perfect harmony with Nature.
I need to control those egocentric whispers in my spirit and give way to the calls of Nature inside myself.
This is already what I experience when climbing mountains or walking across territories solely relying on my legs, my heart, and a spiritual state of mind that no one can stop.
I have been practicing naturally this “religion” of Nature without being aware of it, and on certain occasions I have managed to merge with it, to become one single entity with it.
It’s a great schedule isn’t it? It’s a project for summer 2013. Thank you for providing me with information to refine my project.
Divine Nature in a holy world!!!